Memiliki Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman yang Mumpuni

Kami memiliki individu terampil dari berbagai divisi, bersatu padu menciptakan kekuatan kolaboratif dalam dunia kerja IT

Agus Prayogi

Agus Prayogi

Mobile App Developer

I like new things | I like to share and problem solving

Ahmad Shodikin

Ahmad Shodikin

UI/UX Designer

Head of UI/UX Division at Workshop Riset Informatika

Alfan Olivan

Alfan Olivan

Web Developer

College Student at State Polytechnic of Malang

Dicha Zelianivan Arkana

Dicha Zelianivan Arkana

Full-stack Web Developer

Mostly full-stack web developer. Loves to work with Typescript, Svelte, and .NET

Fitrah Rahmadhani Ahmad

Fitrah Rahmadhani Ahmad

UI/UX Designer

Head of Information Media Division at Workshop Riset Informatika

Maulana Arif

Maulana Arif

Mobile and Web Developer

I'm a fast learner and have a high curiosity about programming.

Muhammad Ali Zulfikar

Muhammad Ali Zulfikar

Web Developer

Innovative and High Curiosity with a lot of crazy ideas

Muhammad Ilzam Mulkhaq

Muhammad Ilzam Mulkhaq

Web and Mobile Developer

Kang Santri Kudu Nguasai Teknologi. Kerja, kerja, kerja.

Tio Irawan

Tio Irawan

Mobile and Web Developer

I'm fast in learning new technologies, especially in the programming field, and have a high curiosity about it.

Ziedny Mubarok

Ziedny Mubarok

Game Developer

Game and Web development enthusiast
